Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 12: Mexican Hat, UT to Cortez, CO - September 25, 2008

four corners 2008 09 25_1497, originally uploaded by rhanke.

Miles: 116 Miles (Route was only 101 but I visited Four Corners)
Ride Time: 7 hours 49 minutes
Avg. Speed: 14.8 Mph
Total Climbing: 5958 feet plus approximate 1000
Work: 4387 kJ

We had breakfast down at the Old Bridge Grille, located next to the San Juan River. They didn’t open until 7am so we got off to a late start. Not all the plates were as big as yesterday but Big Wave’s breakfast burrito was huge. Climbing up from the river we headed out towards the towns namesake Mexican Hat Rock. This balancing rock was hard to believe that it doesn’t fall off. If it ever does they will have to call the town Resting Hat.
Mexican Hat Rock 2008 09 25_1422

The road out was similar to Monument Valley but on a smaller scale. They have the same red rocks. The morning light made them pop. It was a real treat for the eyes.
Road from Mexican Hat 2008 09 25_1437road out of Mexican Hat 2008 09 25_1431

Next up was the town of Bluff with its wall of stone behind it. It is amazing when you ride next to these cliffs that the rocks don’t come crashing down.

Bluff 2008 09 25_1461Bluff 2008 09 25_1464

We then entered an area of rolling hills that seemed to be spaced out every three miles. At the bottom of each hill was a cattle guard so you had to slow down at the bottom. Not fun when you have to start climbing the next one with out your momentum.

After a brief stop for the Trek Travel picnic lunch it was on to Colorado.

Welcome to Colorado 2008 09 25_1513

The landscape in Colorado was flat with sparse grass. But you could see the mountains off in the distance. Our route to Cortez was within 5 miles of the Four Corners so I decided to go for it and see where Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado come together. The guides had told me it would be hilly but it was much more hilly then what we had been climbing.

Four Corners was neat but I would not make a special trip just to see it, but if you in the neighborhood it would be worth it. Since it is on an Indian Reservation they charge you $3 to see it.

Then it was on to Cortez. It was a steady incline over the last 30 miles. With 20 miles to go we had another lunch stop. Trek Travel really does a wonderful job taking care of its riders. By this time I was hungry and ate a lot. With the food infusion I was able to knock out the last 20.

Wow, it was another day of amazing landscape. Life is good.

Today’s photos at Flickr.
All Photo sets at Flickr

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